Well done me

Well done me

Now do not get me wrong I am happy to convert to a better product and webpage that allows communications but feel that things dont run as they say they do. Example. Take photo on mobile phone takes it and pops into my macbook. The mack book applications shows not as jpeg transfer over to jpeg. done.
Not as it seems all of a sudden its chaging the format when ask to upload, Most of the time it has not so something in the works wants me to fail. Venting over managed to copy paste and so forth started to interact with ukcraft web pages. Thank-you if you drop by my blog as a newbie I have no expectations other than if I need help I am hoping the help comes in goodness answers. Happy New Year from a Newbie. Carol.

No conclusion only time will tell. I have asked for some one to explain how I go about booking a stall etc And I am awaiting to see if the details come back. Once again thank-you for dropping in to my heart felt message.


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<p><a href="https://www.ukcraftfairs.com/post/2189/well-done-me">Well done me</a></p>

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