Indian Summer Part 1

Indian Summer Part 1

The Start to my my first Indian trip that kick started my love of the Country and peoples

As many of you know, we here at Sew on and on like to specialise in Indian Fabric what some of you don’t know is that we (and by we I mean my Parents Angela and John) Go out to Mumbai, Goa and most recently Jaipur to source and import the best cottons and silks for the shop here in Hunstanton. By doing this they are able to keep both the costs extremely low and continuously have new and exciting fabrics and other items coming into the shop.
Due to the popularity of these fabrics we have sold out!
This, coupled with the fact that our recycled sari bags selling extremely quickly in England and America alike we have decided to embark on another journey for 12 days to India to source and bring home more exciting fabrics for you to see and buy.
My Dad (John) and I (Mark) will depart for Mumbai On the 13th of June via Dehli, and making our way to Goa through the monsoon on the train and back again meeting old friends and new searching for the best deals.
With this being my first trip to India both for pleasure and business I have already got to experience the dubious pleasure of applying for a visa (which resulted in many a curse word being said). The excitement of the trip is really starting to kick in, to see all the sights and experience the hustle and bustle of the trains. I am under strict orders to bring home chillies and spice for Amy (my wife) and also a pretty Sari dress for Ruby (my daughter).

I shall try to keep this blog going while we are out there and maybe give you all a small taste of what I can only presume we will see hear and do whilst out there and maybe provide you with an advance preview of the items we will be sourcing.


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