Anchorhaven Pop Up Crystal Shop Wirral

Anchorhaven Pop Up Crystal Shop Wirral

We completed our very first crystal pop up shop at Soul Kraft Community shop in Rock Ferry, Tranmere, Wirral.
Anchorhaven have rented display space for crystals from Soul Kraft for a few months and are very fortunate to have an in-store crystal display to reach local customers.

Soul Kraft dont open Saturdays very often, so the Saturday pop up shop was an excellent opportunity to spend time in-store and be available to chat about crystals to customers from our base Birkenhead area.

Instagram advertising - we were reluctant at first to try it out, but it definitely made an impact and several customers mentioned they had seen the pop up shop advertised on instagram.

Free prize giveaway - with new amethyst bed clusters in stock, it was great to offer a prize draw for customers to enter.

Discounts - As this was a special event, 10 percent discount was available to our customers on the day.

Smudge Kits - the top selling handmade item was our smudge kits with sage and palo santo. This is defintely one we will be making more of.

We hope to be able to do more Saturday pop up shops to sell our crystals and we do regular Sundays in Port Sunlight at the indoor market at Hulme Hall.


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