

Hello everyone!... I have just joined UK Craft Fairs and I am excited to be here!

I wanted to write and introduce myself and give a little background about myself... so...many moons ago when I was at school I always loved Art and Design and also Biology!... to say that my teachers thought this was an unusual combo was an understatememt...especially when I chose to study them both at A-level alongside Chemistry... I then completed an Art foundation BTEC course but then went on to study Anatomy at Bristol with the view to pursuing Medical Illustration. Sadly, during my first year my father became ill and passed away from a rare form of bowel cancer. This led me to change my course and I completed a degree in Cancer Biology and Immunology with the intention of working in Cancer Research. I then embarked on my career in the Pharmaceutical world which I spent some 15 years in. This brings me to now. My passion has always been drawing and I have a massive love of animals... I have continued to draw throughout my life but for the past two years have been researching making this my career.

Rewind to October last year when I came across an art licensing competition called License this! Organised by Brand Licensing Europe. It was aimed as new artists who wanted to explore the world of art licensing. I thought I do not have anything to lose and so I entered... and to my amazement I won the Brand and Design category! This gave me the final push to step away from pharmaceuticals and launch myself in my drawing and start my new career. I started full time on Sarah Burman Design in November 2018, printed off my first 7 ranges of greeting cards and nervously applied to exhibit at my first trade Fair in January this year.

I have since expanded my business to include A4 prints, gift wrap, coasters and some other gift items.

I enjoy going into shops to show my work and the buzz of an order still makes me feel on top of the world. I am now starting to exhibit at craft fairs as I love selling directly to the public aswell as meeting lots of other fab creatives exhibiting there to.

So thats me and a little about Sarah Burman Design... I look forward to meeting lots of you at fairs across the country!. Bye for now :-)


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