Happy New Year

Welcome to 2018 which promised to be a fantastic year. Remember throughout the year: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible!

The QBE Team is raring to go and welcoming some wonderful stands at our shows. We are nearly 70 percent up on bookings at this time last year and have once again frozen our stand prices and have not increased them for five years and are continuing to cap the amount of stands we have at our shows. Greed is short term gain for long term pain. We want to work with you as if you are not happy, we are not happy. We have some pretty amazing shows, all established and please remember as a member of UKCraftFairs you are immediately entitled to 10 percent off our stand prices.

Good luck and happy trading.


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<p><a href="https://www.ukcraftfairs.com/post/1681/happy-new-year">Happy New Year</a></p>

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