I began my Silversmith journey in just April this year.. I graduated from University with a degree in Fashion Footwear and Accessories, worked for four years in the footwear industry for two well known footwear brands and built up my knowledge of how business works! As much as I enjoyed these jobs and the travelling it involved I always felt that it wasnt quite the right path for me.
I took the leap in April and bravely left my job. I enrolled on an intensive Silversmith course which I completely loved, converted the garden shed into a workshop and set up Frivolities By JessicaMarie. Going into my workshop everyday is the best office I could ask for - It is going to be a lot of hard work to get my business established and develop a loyal client base but I am throwing all I have at this and I am determined to make a success of it.
So if you come across me at any Craft Fairs, please come and say hello and share some wisdom with me! I would love to get to know other Silversmiths/makers/artists that share my passion for handmade items and your advice will be invaluable to me.
Jessica Marie
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