Artists Conk Mushroom Essence made under a Full Moon
To find an ideal balance between receptive femininity and assertive masculinity
To balance Moon reflective and nurturing energy with Sun fiery assertiveness
To help men getting in touch with the softer, more empathic and nurturing side of their personality
Mushroom Essences are to the more known Flower Essences like the Moon is to the Sun. These essences are made during a Full Moon, with each mushroom bringing in its own energetic layer, which is then amplified by the energetic imprint of the Moon.
Mushroom Essences reflect the duality of the psyche and use their subtle yet powerful energies, released during a Full Moon, to bring together the fragile parts of our soul into a wholeness, leading us from disconnection, separation and fragmentation to cohesion, transformation and wholeness.
I am currently the only maker of these types of essences in UK, which makes my 16 Mushroom Essences unique. These are prepared in 30ml glass dropper bottle available to choose from and all made with the energetic imprint of mushrooms, with none of them being psychoactive.
They work on subtle energy and support the exploration and integration of suppressed emotions, fostering growth, renewal and inner healing.
Keeping a journal throughout the 28 Lunar cycle of a Mushroom Essence use would help with recording the energetic shifts that are perceived and felt as well as the dreams that might be experienced.
We do not use single use plastic during the
production or
sale of this item.