10 Reasons Why I Love You

10 Reasons Why I Love You

Jute bag with hearts

Beautiful hand made gift for your loved ones.

10 reasons why I love you.

- because you help me see the negative things differently
- you love my family even though they are crazy
- you kiss me goodbay when Im still asleep in the morning
- you walk in when the rest of the world walks out
- you meke me feel like Im the only person in the world
- you make me laugh even when I fell like crying
- you care deeply about my success and my happines
- you make me smile when nobody can
- when we are together all my problems disappear
- you are sweater than my favourite dessert

If you looking personalised reasons choose my other listing!

Jute bag with big heart

Size of bag 12cm x 10cm

Size of big heart 6cm

Size of reason hearts 4.2cm

Guide price: £9.00 - Handmade


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