AllThe hobby of pasting memorabilia into custom-decorated albums, or scrapbooks.
A group of scrapbooking enthusiasts
Works on the principle of stretching material over a frame, blocking out certain areas and squeezing ink or dye through the frame - the same principle as stencilling.
A large computerised knitting machine which transferes computer generated designs into knitted garments. Often used in industry.
The bottom middle of a round basket, where the maker starts their work
As the name suggests, you push the needle back through the middle of the last stitch to split it.
The boards making up the sides of the cask
The joint between the cask staves
Pull the needle up next to the previous stitch. Keep to one side and at a slight angle to your line.
This stitch is used to create a row of parallel lines.
Making flowers and other items from sugar, marzipan, chocolate; also decorating cakes
The craft glossary is not comprehensive, but it could be with your help. If you know any arts or crafts words or phrases that are not included here, please feel free to suggest it.