Everything in glass – Leaded, Copper foiled, Fused and jewellery, decorative and functional. Repairs and commissions welcome.
I create mirrors both in traditional leaded form and by using stained glass overlay with self adhesive lead which reduces both cost and weight. I am also happy to discuss your requirements in size shape and colour to produce a mirror to fit your environment. I also use glass paints both on the mirrors and to enhance the appearance of vases.
Traditional stained glass windows made and repaired. Copper foiled objects (Tiffany style), both 2 and 3 dimensional, created and repaired.
I also have a kiln which allows me to produce pieces that are both decorative and functional, from landscape scenes to coasters, plates and dichroic glass jewellery. See my website for pictures of the work that is available.
I am happy to give talks about what I do and to provide a demonstration of both glass painting and copper foiling.
Repair work is welcome as are commissions and I will work with you to ensure that the piece is repaired/created to your satisfaction.
For any further information, please visit my website or contact me for further details.
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