I am a mudlarker, metal detectorist and artist I make bespoke historic jewellery and other crafts with my historic finds.
Art by Kerrie (thats me!) has recently been featured in the Colchester gazette for winning a small business award from Theo Paphitis.
I create pieces of Jewellery from historical items I find when I’m mudlarking and metal detecting, such as sherds of pottery, coins, figurines and many more items. I bring the pieces home and enjoy researching the history of the people behind the objects. I then compose an information card for each piece detailing the pieces fabric information, age, maker, and history. My jewellery findings are created from the most sustainable materials such as sustainable steel (a 100 percent recyclable material with no toxic run off when created) recycled silver and recycled gold. All packaging is recyclable and compostable.
Im extremely passionate about history and I love imagining who lost the item that I found and who was the last person to hold it. It truly is the best way to connect with our ancestors and re love pieces that would otherwise be lost to time.
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