Helen is an artist using her 60 years of wanderings and wonderings to offer space to breathe.
As a kid I was always drawing or copying images, doing O and A level at school, but not having a passion for it at the time it was not pursued. Following marriage to a soldier, two children various part time jobs and caring for the kids especially if my husband was away were my lifes rewards. Kids grow and create their own lives, I went full time at work, Dave left the army and went unto IT. Still vrry occassionally dabbled but still not a passion. Then in 2018 our 28 year old son died suddenly from a blood clot o
the lung. In that upside down grief and upheaval nothing made sense. Then I came to see that here and now is all we have. If I felt sad I embraced it, no denial or putting it off. That 6 months after his passing I was able to take redundancy and help my husband through his grief too was a blessing. That acceptance of feeling vulnerable was a change of perspective. To paint is a passion, an exploration and expression of feeling. Heart lead and as needed as breathing. Working mainly in acrylics on canvas exploring relationships with nature through flowing mark making and textural accents. Using colour, form and perspectives to give depths through which the viewer can pass through to what is of serenity and calm. The transient grass and reeds a symbol of that every day life that may obscure the true, behind the veil, nature to which we all can find our path. Trees and standing stones, images that evoke a spirituality that perhaps too has become obscured by our worldly persuits of wealth or renown. Offering visual spaces in which to simply breathe, whether they are land or sky scapes through more traditional floral and still life work Tending to work on reasonable sized pieces that would still be a good fit in most homes some smaller studies are on offer and prints are possible. Some art works have hand made frames made to complement and enhance what feels to be their while form, but are only suggestions. Commission work, that bespoke piece for your home, would be considered.
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