Wood Knot and Grain - Carpentry

Wood Knot and Grain

A small woodwork business, specialising in handmade items.

I have always been interested in wood work, a family trait, and with a career in farming drawing to a close i have decided to open my workshop door to make use of the practical skills that I have. In the recent past i have made numerous hardwood items for my grand children, my children and the wider family. They have very much encouraged me to pursue wood craft as my next career. Interestingly several of the tools that i regularly use were my grandfathers.

Most popular items are jewellery and memory boxes, toy and blanket boxes and coffee tables.

I prefer to work with only the finest hardwoods, ash and European oak being the most popular. As well as using hard woods, a more rustic appearance can be requested, especially popular for such items as coffee tables. Where this style is preferred a soft wood may be used, also utilising recycled timber making use of any minor fissures and knots to give a stunning finish.

All items are treated with 2 or 3 applications of Liburon natural polish to protect and enhance the finish..

Each particular item and method of build is carefully considered, and the preferred method of jointing is dowel and glue and in addition, where appropriate, quality brass and other handmade metal fittings are added to further enhance the finish.

As each item is made to order, delivery times can vary depending on the time of the year and the requested specification of your purchase.

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Wood Knot and Grain

Maldon, Essex