Art and Murals by Donna Mcghie - Art

Art and Murals by Donna Mcghie

I am a Powertex tutor and run fabric sculpting workkshops that raise money for the Royal Papworth Hospital Charity.

I am a level 4 certified Powertex Tutor and run fabric sculpting workshops. I am a Fellow of the Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneur Scheme and my workshops have a very therapeutic aspect to them. Everyone is welcome to come along regardless of experience or artistic ability. (I honestly do believe that we are all artistic, and it is just a case of allowing ourselves to explore this in a safe environment).

Upcycling of unwanted materials plays a big part in my creative workshops, and I often incorporate junk jewellery, old bottles and glasses and literally anything else I can think of into my sculpting.

In 2016 my husband received a life saving heart transplant and a lot of my workshops now come under the heading of Art 4 A Heart Workshops. If I am advertising a workshop with this heading, I make sure to donate a percentage of my takings to the amazing Royal Papworth Hospital Charity.

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Art and Murals by Donna Mcghie

Eastleigh, Hampshire