Wiccan, Pagan witch supplies, mainly handmade products and home grown, created by a hedge witch
I am a Wiccan witch who produces handmade items such as besoms for handfastings, mini besoms for luck, wooden wands, spells and bags of herbs. I also make altar boxes, pagan door wreaths and hand blended glass bottle charms filled with incense. herbal tea mixes and lots of other witchy items.
I also teach courses such as Wicca - Whats it all about, Spiritual Development, Crystal Healing, Reiki and Indian Head Massage.
If you are looking for a priestess to do a handfasting, naming or blessing, look no further contact me for a fully confidential and bespoke service.
I consider myself to be an eclectic hedge witch, brought up in the christian church but with a witchy/psychic twist, it wasnt until 2010 that I realised there was actually a name for my beliefs and practices, after many years of reading and researching, joining group after group, I decided to be a solitary witch and follow my own path, hence the eclectic part, but my immense love of herbs, (Ive around 130 in stock) pushes my towards the hedge witch also and what I love about the old ways is that as long as Im responsible for my self and practice and cause no harm to others, Im free to tweak my path as I see fit. This is a path, not a rule book and we are all different so 1 book isnt going to fit all.
I can create almost anything to order if you want a specific colour scheme or unique item.
Please contact me via mobile or email to discuss further.
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